Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

3 Easy Ways to Relax
Evy Kusnadi

           1.    Take slow, deep, conscious breaths

It's a good thing that your body takes care of breathing for you, 24/7, whether you are consciously
aware of it or not.  However, taking a few moments to become aware of your breathing, make it slower and deeper, and feel it inside your body is a great way to activate relaxation.

Imagine there are two vertical balloons that stretch from your lower abdomen up to your  collarbones.  As you inhale, imagine and feel as if these balloons fill up from bottom to top.  When you exhale, imagine and feel as if these balloons empty out from top to bottom.

Slow your breathing down so that you inhale to a four-second count, pause, exhale to a five-second count, pause, and repeat.  Count 10 of these slow, deep, conscious breaths and feel how your body relaxes.

2. Feel the space inside your body

Researchers have found that feeling almost any space within your body can have a calming effect.  To practice feeling your inner body, focus on any body-part and feel the space inside your skin.  You might start with your hands and/or your feet.

For many people, the hands are a good place to begin because they are highly sensitive.  Relax your hands  and rest them, palms-down, on your thighs.  Begin by feeling the space inside one finger on one hand, say your index finger.  Then, expand your inner feeling to include the rest of your fingers, one at a time.  Expand your sensation to include your whole hand.  You can then do the same with the other hand.  You can try this with your feet as well. 

If you enjoy the practice and it works well for you, you can expand your inner feeling to include your whole body.  As you get good at this, it feels great!  And no one, except you, knows that you're doing it.
My Core Energy Meditation program gives you an excellent, easy and comprehensive practice for doing this.  Check it out here:

3. Shift your perspective

When you find yourself caught up in stress, insert a mental pause, and step back from what you are doing. Observe what you are thinking, feeling, or doing at the moment.  Witness your behavior without reacting to it or judging it as "good" or "bad."  Simply notice what is happening.  Realize that whatever you are doing, you can choose to do something different and more effective.

Take a moment to imagine what you might think, feel, or do differently that would change the situation for the better.  Could you see the situation from another  person's point of view?  Could you listen better?  Could you express your true feelings in a way that is not blaming or accusing?  Could you take a deep breath, feel inside your body, and come from a more relaxed perspective?

Practice these three simple techniques often and notice how you begin to master the stressful situations in your life.

Enjoy your practice!

Source ( Kevin & Matt: The Mind-Body Training Company)

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